Monday, 21 November 2011

Photography Isle by Mariah & Sham

The Photography IsleTM  is a rather new design concept created by Mariah & Sham, 
in place of the more common in-house wedding dais / staging set ups.

This isle serves as a beautiful corner
for the bride to sit and witness the solemnization ceremony.

With an original Mariah & Sham design,
a less bulky set-up,
and an understandably more natural look, 
our mostly garden-themed Isles are gaining popularity. 

 Here's our most recent, for lovely couple Suhailah and Iskandar...

A beautiful garden right in Suhailah's own home

And here's Mum behind-the-scene,
arranging the gorgeous flowers in our mock up isle,
right in my dining hall....

On to our next project.....
Think Monte Carlo ;)

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Designer cupcake. Only by Mariah & Sham

A brighter mix of colours, 
a new frosting technique 
and our trademark personalised cupcake wrapper 
for our couple Suhailah & Iskandar

Wedding Venue Decor

2012 will see us embarking on bigger and bolder projects. 
Infact we've started working with four beautiful couples for their upcoming 2012 weddings.
Admittedly, these persistent couples were the ones responsible for pushing us beyond the inertia. 
They came to us, insisting we undertake their wedding venue decorations, 
despite us not having a prior portfolio.

And we have been having so much fun working and planning with them, 
simply because they share our aspirations for beautiful fine weddings.

Information on our Wedding Decor packages will be up on our Mariah & Sham Website soon....