Extremely inspired! That's how I've been feeling, stumbling upon one great blog after another.
Today, I found Amy Atlas...apparently a very established events planner, whose many great works can make young businesses like ours blush in embarrasment...yet hopeful of the possibilities.
Afterall, how can we not know Amy Atlas? Her works are so well established, inspirational and relevant to us. And so many other event planners have in fact adopted her style and presented their Amy Atlas-inspired dessert bars time and time again, consciously or otherwise.
We're jumping on the bandwagon...and we're set to be inspired, by not just her creativity, but her fervour as well. She's a lawyer turned entrepeneur...one of those inspiring stories about people following their hearts and doing what they love best.
We can learn from her... yet we aspire to be original and mostly create our own spread - which we have all along named the 'Isle'. After all, while it's nice to be inspired, it's much nicer and satisfying to be original. Hopefully, Amy Atlas gets a wind of our existence and invites us over for a feature...hehe ok we're dreaming again...
So really, our next action plan will be to source out for more stands, jars, plates, props and maybe even platforms (I'm envisioning a 3-tiered isle)
But for now, here's presenting Amy Atlas....

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